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Another Quiz Anybody ?
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:36 am
by buckler
Bought recently by my wife as part of a job lot , these Andiron Tongs have slim feather edged arms with curled tops and clover-leaf bowls. Not quite what you'd expect with the marks on the arms !
What date are the Tongs and whose marks are do they carry ?
If it's any consolation the explanation was given to us by a real expert, one of the really big dealers who prefers to remain anonymous .
Re: Another Quiz Anybody ?
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:54 am
by Sasropakis
My guess would be that they are converted from ordinary sugar tongs made in the late 18th century (after 1786, based on the duty mark). Andiron tongs were popular in the early 18th century but the hallmarks and decoration indicate the last quarter of the century.
Re: Another Quiz Anybody ?
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:50 am
by buckler
You are on the right track ! Particularly the "converted "
Re: Another Quiz Anybody ?
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:33 am
by buckler
Bit of a sneaky one this quizz.
ANSWER (or more questions ? )
Lion Passant is a Newcastle punch , makers mark is almost certainly that of Langlands & Robertson. These andiron tongs appear to have been made, at least partially using old Georgian teaspoons, in the Arts & Crafts period by either a gifted amateur or rogue silversmith !
As the purpose of the article has been changed, technically it should have been re-assayed and is thus currently illegal to sell. My wife is not however intending to sue the auction house ; the history of these tong is too fascinating to see them melted. We feel that artistically it's a great conversion.
Re: Another Quiz Anybody ?
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:57 am
by Sasropakis
Interesting item indeed. I should have noted that the ends of the arms are from teaspoons instead of sugar tongs as I assumed. The trefoil shaped bowls are quite odd as I've never seen such in sugar tongs. But at least I was right that the tongs were converted from some other item. Maybe one could call these "frankentongs" but they are a genuine historical item instead of a modern fabrication.