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1850's(?) Sterling Fish Server - "W Faber & Sons&am

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:54 pm
by thorotaxi
Please help me learn more about this family heirloom.

I'll try my best to give all the necessary information - I'm new to this.

For my wedding, I received an antique sterling fish server from a great aunt. She had received it on her wedding from my great, great aunt Amena Pendleton Haines (a big name around Doylestown, PA.) I have both the note to me AND the original note from my great, great aunt. The original note is dated Aug. 31, 1942. At that time, the note says the piece is "about 90 years old".

On the back, there is "STERLING" stamped right at the neck and "W. FABER & SONS" stamped about halfway down the handle.
Any help or information you could offer would be very appreciated.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:27 am
by 2209patrick
Very nice item. That's an impressive wedding gift.
That would be a mark used by William Faber, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia.
My books have William Faber & Sons in business from 1828 to 1887 as silversmiths and silverplaters.
