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Can anyone help with crest?
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:14 am
by Kirils
Re: Can anyone help with crest?
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:41 am
by Sasropakis
That could be the coat of arms of Swedish family von Rosen. The crown is that of a Swedish count and von Rosen family hold that title. Their coat of arms is three red roses on a golden shield.
In this case the shield is gold (or) because it's "dotted" but I can't see any hatching on the roses so I can't say their colour for sure. If you can see any horizontal or any other lines on them this could help to determine the colour:
There are also other possibilities if the roses are red and even more if they are some other colour: ... oses_gules
Re: Can anyone help with crest?
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 11:52 am
by AG2012
It is rather common family name in many countries.Lowest nobility (Freiherr) with origins in Pomerania (Vorpommern).
Rosen ist der Name eines alten deutsch-baltischen Adelsgeschlechts, das dem livländischen Uradel entstammt. Zweige der Familie leben heute vor allem in Deutschland, Schweden, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, USA, Kanada, Brasilien und Australien.
(Rosen is the name of an old German-Baltic aristocratic family that comes from the Livonian nobility. Branches of the family live mainly in Germany, Sweden, France, Austria, Poland, the USA, Canada, Brazil and Australia).
Das Stammwappen zeigt in Gold drei rote Rosen auf goldenem Grund.
(The family coat of arms shows three red roses on a gold background).
Your silver was made in Vienna,therefore most likely owned by members of Rosen family in either austria or Germany.
Re: Can anyone help with crest?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 5:34 am
by Kirils
Thank you both a lot for your such a big research. What I forgot to mention, is that this set was bought in Stockholm. So I do agree that this might be Swedish Rosen family crest.
Re: Can anyone help with crest?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 9:21 am
by AG2012
See also here:
They are counts (Graff) ,based on crown used by Swedish nobility.