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Information Regarding George Kenning/George Kenning & Son

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:40 am
by dognose
A topic for recording information regarding the business of, the Masonic jewellers, George Kenning, later, George Kenning & Son.

George Kenning - London - 1870

The business of George Kenning was established in 1860 and around 1862 became Kenning & McKiernan before reverting to their original name. They were restyled to George Kenning & Son c.1895, and they acquired Spencer & Co in 1947, becoming George Kenning & Spencer Ltd. They were in turn acquired by Toye & Co. in 1956, and the business was resyled to that of Toye, Kenning and Spencer in 1962.

If you have any details of the above firm, advertisements, examples of their work, markings, etc., anything that you are willing to share, then here's the place to post it.


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:50 am
by dognose
Mr. George Kenning, of Little Britain and Aldersgate-street, whose name is so inseparably connected with all that is Masonic, has now a branch establishment at 16 and 16a, Great Queen-street, W.C., opposite Freemason's Hall, for Masonic jewels and clothing. It must be remembered that although Mr. Kenning does the largest retail business by far of any in the trade with his brother Masons and various other orders, he has greater facilities for supplying the specialities wholesale than any other house in the trade. Good trade discounts off catalogue prices are allowed.

Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 1st May 1891


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:05 am
by dognose
George Kenning - London - 1890


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:22 am
by dognose

The premises of Mr. George Kenning, Masonic jeweller, and printer of the "Freemason," 18, Great Queen-street, London, were entered early on Thursday morning by burglars. The thieves forced open a window on the ground floor in Parker-street, and were undisturbed, although Mr. Kenning sleeps above. They took a glass case, containing Masonic jewels, from one of the shop windows into the machine-room in the printing department at the back, and stripped it of its contents. In all Masonic jewels worth between £600 and £700 were taken. The Bow-street officers are investigating the case, but up to the present neither the thieves nor the jewels have been traced.

Source: Western Mail - 24th August 1895


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:23 am
by dognose
An example of the work and mark of George Kenning & Son, a Masonic medal assayed at Birmingham in 1919:


GK&S - Birmingham - 1919/G.KENNING&SON/LONDON


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:42 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - London - 1925


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:22 am
by dognose
Notice is hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore carried on at No. 4, Little Britain, in the city of London, by George Kenning and James McKiernan, as Gold Lacemen, under the style or firm of Kenning and McKiernan, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. George Kenning is empowered to receive and pay all debts respectively due to and by the said copartnership concern.—

Dated this 27th day of March, 1865.

George Kenning
James McKiernan

Source: The London Gazette - 28th March 1865


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:50 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - Glasgow - 1894


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:24 pm
by dognose
At the Guildhall Police Court on Tuesday last, William Hurren, a cabinet maker, was charged with stealing rings and Masonic jewellery to a very large amount from Bro. Kenning's warehouses, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Little Britain.— Mr. George Clarke prosecuted, and Mr. E. Pratt appeared for the prisoner. Mr. Clarke said that Bro. Kenning was a Masonic jeweller, and in his warehouse were numerous cases in which he exhibited his goods. The prisoner was employed by the manufacturer of those cases, and consequently was frequently in the warehouse. The doors of the cases shut with a spring, but were not locked. In consequence of Bro. Kenning missing some jewellery inquiries were made about it, and the result had been that most of the missing property had been traced to the possession of the prisoner. Bro. Henry Cox, foreman to Bro. Kenning, said that about a fortnight ago he missed some rings and jewellery. The prisoner had been in the habit of coming to the premises on and off for the last 18 months or two years. The cases were unlocked, and shut with a spring. Henry Webb, detective serjeant, said that he and Detective Trafford apprehended the prisoner on Monday afternoon, in Cow-cross. He told him the charge would be on suspicion of stealing a number of gold rings and a quantity of Masonic jewellery from Bro. Kenning's premises, within the last month, and pledging the same at a pawnbroker's in the Holloway-road. He said he knew nothing about it; he had not stolen any, neither had he pawned any. He took him to Snow-hill police-station, where he found on him a number of racing bills, a Masonic gold ring, and 3s. 7d. in money. Witness told him that he pawned a diamond ring on Saturday, and he replied that that was his own ring and had nothing to do with what he had pawned there besides. Bro. Kenning was taking stock, and he already found a large deficiency. Sir Andrew Lusk remanded the prisoner for further evidence.

Source: The Freemason - 30th June 1877


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:17 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - London - 1901


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:26 am
by dognose


The Kent Trophy Challenge Shield, of which an illustration is given, is of silver. In the centre chief point appears a representation of H.M.S. Kent, taken from a drawing supplied by the Admiralty. This is embossed and oxydized. It is surmounted by an enamelled shield, bearing the Arms of the Association of " Men of Kent and Kentish Men." Underneath the ship, entwined with branches of laurel, are scrolls to take the names of the Officers Commanding. The lower part of shield shows the arms and motto of the County of Kent, while turrets with protruding guns form an artistic background. Below is a large ornamental tablet displaying the presentation inscription, and round the edge of the shield flows a beautifully modelled pattern of Kentish Hops, Cherries, Oakleaves, and Cob-nuts, each spray of which is separately modelled and bent into position, forming an excellent contrast with the white and burnished groundwork shield. The whole is mounted on a stout polished-oak shield, size 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft., and surrounded by thirty silver wreath-medallions, to be inscribed each year with the name of the winning gun-crew's captain. The total weight of silver used is 146 ozs.

Source: Champions of the Fleet - Edward Fraser - 1908


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:59 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - London - 1906


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:35 am
by dognose

The annual treat given by Bro. George Kenning, Masonic jeweller and publisher, took place on Saturday last, when the employees, to the number of 200 males and females, left the manufactory in Little Britain, London, at nine o'clock, and proceeded in private omnibuses, supplied by Wragg, to the Bald-faced Stag, Buckhurst-hill. Bro. Kenning and some private friends joined the party, who partook of a bountiful dinner and tea in the grounds of the hotel, and spent the intervals before and after the meals in dancing and other sports, returning to Little Britain by 10 o'clock in the evening.

Source: The Hull Packet and East Riding Times - 2nd August 1878


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:06 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - London - 1934


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:18 am
by dognose
A beautiful specimen of the jewellers' art is the gold badge and chain presented at Cordwainers' Hall on Monday to Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Frederick Prat Alliston by the Bread Street Ward of the City of London. It reflects great credit on the manufacturers, Messrs. George Kenning and Son, the eminent firm of Masonic jewellers, Aldersgate Street.

Source: The Penny Illustrated Paper - 8th October 1898


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:02 am
by dognose

15, St. John's Lane and 7, Albion Place, later, St. John's Masonic Depot, 62, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, London

Bro. James McKierman - London - 1863

Formerly in partnership with George Kenning as 'Kenning & McKierman', 4, Little Britain, London.

James McKierman entered his mark 'JMcK' contained within an oblong punch, with the London Assay Office on the 20th March 1867.


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:06 am
by dognose
George Kenning - Glasgow - 1875


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:56 pm
by dognose

The Kent Trophy Challenge Shield by George Kenning & Son, pictured in 1903:


See: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=56272&p=181755&hilit=kent#p181755


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:05 pm
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - London - 1912


Re: Information Regarding George Kenning/George Kenning & Son

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:05 am
by dognose
George Kenning & Son - Glasgow - 1894
