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Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:02 am
by elliemuggs
Hi everyone!

My brother owns this silver cigarette case and asked me to do more research about where it came from.

This is the item:

Obviously it's been altered with the initial top right, but the main thing i'm looking for is to identify the hallmarks. There is also a name scratched into the inside but i'm guessing that's more likely to be a previous owner than anything else?

These are the marks:

The only one i've been able to identify so far is the Kokoshnik mark in the center. The one to the left is clearer in one image and shows the letter '2' on the right hand side of a figure? It's not clear on either mark and looks like it may have been scratched over at some point.

I've searched this forum and a few others for the markers mark, фH/Hф, but have had no joy so far. Hoping someone may have an idea or reference that can help.

Re: Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:46 am
by AG2012
I think it is ИФ for Иван Футикин (Ivan Futikin) in Moscow.
The mark on the left is Polish mark; number 2 stands for .875 standard.It could be found on many older pieces circulating in Poland during communist period (this mark was used 1963 - 1986).

Re: Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:51 am
by AG2012
The problem is discrepancy between the period of second kokoshnik and 1897 being the last year of Ivan Futikin activity.

Re: Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:43 am
by elliemuggs
AG2012 wrote:Hi,
I think it is ИФ for Иван Футикин (Ivan Futikin) in Moscow.
The mark on the left is Polish mark; number 2 stands for .875 standard.It could be found on many older pieces circulating in Poland during communist period (this mark was used 1963 - 1986).
So is it normal to find the Kokoshnik mark alongside the Polish mark? Considering that would be 1808-1926 and the polish mark is post 1963?

Re: Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:40 am
by AG2012
So is it normal to find the Kokoshnik mark alongside the Polish mark? Considering that would be 1808-1926 and the polish mark is post 1963?
I suppose
is a typo.
Yes,once upon a time in Warsaw I bought Düseldorf 13 Loth early 19th century sugar bowl with modern Polish mark.I cannot tell if that was legislated,but it was different from rather obligatory Lombard mark after WWI.But who knows,difficult to say what was normal in turbulent times.Authentic,anyway,nothing to do with modern fakes.

Re: Russian Silver Cigarette Case

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:24 pm
by Qrt.S
Sorry, Ivan Futikin is out of question. He was active 1863-1897. The right looking kokoshnik was used 1908-1926- This eliminates Futikin. The problem remains, who is the maker and what are the initials: фH/Hф or ИФ/ ФИ? The only possible prospect I found is Philpp Nadis (фH) in Moscow 1897-197, but ???
The polish mark was hit in the polish assay office because it enabled the object to be officially sold in Poland during the mentioned period. It had to be registered in Poland.