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Modern Indian Silver Bowl

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:46 pm
by MGArgent
Hi Forum,

I wanted to share an example of what I believe is a modern example of an Indian silver bowl.

Fineness: The bowl is stamped "SILVER" on the bottom with no other markings. It is made from relatively thin gauge silver and is surprisingly light for its size (228g, 18.5cm x 16.5cm x 10cm), but with a specific gravity of approximately 10.25-10.3 it is around 90% silver.

Location: The retailer information on the box is as follows "Nitya, Eternal range of silver, M-48, Main Market, Greater Kallash-I New Delhi-48". Although the bowl was retailed in New Delhi, it may have been made elsewhere.

Date: When the bowl arrived it was still in a cellophane type wrapping. It was likely made in the 21st century.





Re: Modern Indian Silver Bowl

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 1:51 pm
by dognose
Hi MGArgent,

Many thanks for sharing these details with us, it is appreciated.


Re: Modern Indian Silver Bowl

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:26 pm
by MGArgent
You're welcome. Please feel free to use the info or images if they are of any use to you.