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help identifying russian cutlery

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:38 pm
by bostonusa
Hello community,

I am hoping someone can help me identify this Russian cutlery set that I received from a family member. I am not sure if they are 100% silver or not.

They feature 3 characters in a circle resembling 3iW followed by 4 characters MHU,U, 2- 20.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Re: help identifying russian cutlery

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:16 am
by oel
Hi, welcome to the forum.
Your cutlery is made of a non precious metal. For information see:



Re: help identifying russian cutlery

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:28 am
by Qrt.S
Sorry to disappoint you, but your cutlery is not silver and not actually Russian either. It is from the former Soviet Union and possibly silver plated.
The marks show ЗиШ meaning "Завод имени Шевченко" "Shevchenko Factory/Plant ", ie, the name of the manufacturer. It is located in the city of Vilnyansk in Zaporizhia oblast (region) in nowadays Ukraine. The next mark is МНЦ. It stands М for МЕДЬ (copper), Н for НИКЕДЬ (nickel) and Ц for ЦИНК (zink). It is an alloy commonly known as "German silver/Nickel silver". The last mark is "Ц 2-20" an abbreviation of the word "Цена" i.e. "price" that is 2 Rubles 20 Kopek.

Re: help identifying russian cutlery

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:30 pm
by bostonusa
Thank you both very much for your response. Very helpful.

Any idea what time frame these are from?

Re: help identifying russian cutlery

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:27 am
by AG2012
The pattern of this cutlery is called ``Classic``.
It was made 1960-1980.
