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Assayer Kapiton Sidorov

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:58 am
by Qrt.S
I happen to see Miller's Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks vol. I, II. It was a disappointment. The Russian and Ukraine sectors contain a lot of incorrect information and misspellings (probably copied from Watts). Anyway, I stumbled into a name; Kapiton Sidorov. On page 763, Ukraine, is stated that he assayed in Kharkov/Kharkiv (ХАРКIB) 1845 and marked K.C. (The town's name is misspelled; Harkiv.) Anyway, I haven't seen this name mentioned before. Does anybody know something about this Russian assayer or is it picked from the sky?

Re: Assayer Kapiton Sidorov

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:44 am
by Qrt.S
Sorry guys, found usual nothing until you start asking then...

Re: Assayer Kapiton Sidorov

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:34 am
by AG2012
Insert into google the following sentence:
Харьков капитон сидоров серебро 84

Then the first entry on top is pdf titled:

Пробирный надзор : учебное пособие - Электронный
Капитон Сидоров; клеймо-именник мастера — мастер Алексей Уткин [5]. Рис. 49. Клеймо на серебряном

Very long article, worth downloading.
Btw. Town name is spelled differently in Russian and Ukrainian.