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Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:37 am
by MGArgent
Hi Forum,

I am hoping to identify the maker of this spoon set and have been at a loss for finding online resources with Portuguese maker's marks.

The initial on the maker's mark looks to be the letter "A", and I haven't been able to decipher the symbol.

It is a boxed set of 12 coffee/tea spoons + 1 sugar shovel made in Porto with the second standard II boar mark (approximately .833) in use 1887 - 1937.

I also wish to understand the most likely explanation of why the second standard mark is absent on a single coffee/tea spoon?
  • The spoon was below the second standard 0.833 purity?
  • The spoon slipped past a distracted assayer who forgot to mark it?
  • The silversmith snuck an un-assayed spoon into the box after it returned from assay?
Any feedback is appreciated.






Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:47 am
by AG2012
The shop of Raul Silva & Pereira Lda is mentioned here: ... carmo.html

As far as I understand it was acquired by another business, do Carmo Jewelers in 1926.

Unmarked spoon in a set happens; it is not of inferior fineness, just left unmarked unintentionally.

Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:17 pm
by MGArgent
HI AG2012, thank you this is a great lead!

It appears that construction of the storefront at 87 Rua do Carmo was completed in 1924, after which it was immediately occupied by "Ourivesaria Raul Pereira & C.a Lda.". The business was acquired a short time later at the end of 1925 by ourivesaria "Joalhari do Carmo", which is still in business today at the same location.

From the label inside the spoon box, it seems likely that the Raul Pereira mentioned above, entered a partnership with a Raul Silva and operated "Ouriversaria Popular" at the nearby location of 109 Rua da Prata (see map).

There is an advertisement on page 4 of "Diario Illustrado" from December 23rd, 1900, documenting that "Ourivesaria Popular" at 109 Rua da Prata was operated by "Tavares & C.a" at the time.

Given the timeline, it is likely that Raul Silva & Pereira Lda. acquired the Rua da Prata location from Tavares & C.a after 1900, but it is uncertain if this venture was established before or after the the business at 87 Rua do Carmo (1924-1925) which seems to have been owned solely by Raul Pereira.

Also, thanks for mentioning that unmarked spoons are occasionally found within these sets. It is good to know that this spoon was just mistakenly left unmarked.

Lastly, while you have uncovered some great information regarding the retailer, the silversmith "A" from Porto still remains unknown.

Thanks again, it is appreciated!




Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:05 am
by MGArgent
An update with more information on the retailer and a tentative timeline that assumes Ourivesaria Popular continuously occupied Rua da Prata, 109 between 1900 and 1974:
  • 1900: Ourivesaria Popular established by Tavares & Ca at Rua da Prata, 109
  • 1925: Ourivesaria Raul Pereira & Ca Lda at 87 Rua do Carmo was acquired by Joalharia do Carmo
  • Between c1926-1937: Ourivesaria Popular at Rua da Prata, 109, could have been acquired from Tavares & Ca by Raul Pereira & Ca Lda
  • 1937: A Raul Pereira Lda (no mention of Ourivesaria Popular or Raul Silva) is noted as having donated 3 pairs of children's shoes in a bulletin thanking local Lisboa businesses (PDF Pg. 134)
    • It has not been proven that this was the same Raul Pereira Lda as mentioned in 1925/1926
  • Between c1937-1950: Ourivesaria Popular has by now expanded to Rua da Prata, 107-109 and is under the partnership of Raul Silva & Pereira Lda
    • See 1951 advertisement calendar below
  • 1974: Lingerie shop 'Brava' established at Rua da Prata, 107-109
    • It can be concluded Raul Silva & Pereira Lda have ceased operations prior to this date
  • 1979: Raul Silva & Pereira Lda officially dissolved (record of dissolvement below)
    • The company is under different ownership at the time of dissolvement
Ourivesaria Popular de Raul Silva & Pereira Lda. advertisement calendar from 1951

Raul Silva & Pereira Lda. Record of Dissolvement 1979

Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:07 pm
by Funkel
I'm not really sure, but I think the silversmith is the one from the brand that I sent you. It is the most similar I have found. Regards.

No estoy muy seguro, pero creo que el platero es el de la marca que os envĂ­o. Es la mas parecida que he encontrado. Saludos


Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:28 pm
by MGArgent
Funkel, this is great! The mark you show is certainly the same mark as the one on the spoons.

Thank you so much for this!

Translation of maker's mark reference notes:
Mark of the goldsmith of Porto Antonio Moreira Branco, registered in 1898, transferred in 1925 to the respective widow and already canceled.

Re: Portuguese Boxed 12 Coffee/Tea Spoons + 1 Sugar Shovel

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:41 pm
by Funkel