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Mid East Silver Tray

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:04 am
by GerryG
I bought this tray as plate though I couldn't be sure it is not silver as I am unable to id any of the marks. Any help would be most appreciated.





Thanks for looking,


Re: Mid East Silver Tray

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:56 pm
by Damon
The script is Arabic but not clear

One portion looks like معدن عالم with the number 39

معدن عالم could be translated as "world metal" or "universal metal"

On balance, based on the script and the type of object - likely Moroccan

Silver plate - possibly - but could also be nickel silver(also called maillechort on a lot of Moroccan metal ware).

Hope this is helpful


Re: Mid East Silver Tray

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:55 am
by GerryG
Thanks Damon, useful information. I might get it assayed to be sure. I've handled nickel silver before and it gives off a cold bluish feel where this tray has some warmth and depth. Hard to say anything without properly struck assay hallmarks. Thanks again. Gerry