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Unusual mark for J Deakin & Sons

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:07 am
by OldSchool
Like everyone else (probably) I am very familiar with the firm of James Deakin & Sons, of Sheffield, mainly as makers of electro-plate, but also sterling ware. However, I've not come across this style of mark previously, and wondered if anyone else could shed some light on why (or when) this was used.


I am assuming that this is plated - no sign of regular hallmarks anyway - but also no suggestion of the Deakin trademark. Deakin used a symbol resembling a desk-top handbell, while the similarly-named James Dixon & Sons used a trumpet with a banner.

Any insight welcome. Thanks.

Re: Unusual mark for J Deakin & Sons

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:16 pm
by Essexboy Fisher
Hello, to me this spoon looks a bit less utilitarian than much of the "Deakin" cutlery you see. Perhaps low volume item, decorative spoon with twisted stem, maybe a more obvious manufacturers mark deemed the more appropriate addition. Just one idea and probably there could be others to come. Apparently they became "Ltd" in 1897 and "Sons" had joined in 1886. Could date it?


Re: Unusual mark for J Deakin & Sons

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:39 pm
by OldSchool
Thanks Fishless, and apologies for the slow acknowledgement of your thoughts. I tend to agree.

If it helps, I have managed to source a (slightly blurry) photo showing the front of the spoon, which is one in a set of six. They are not mine, I should add.


Not being hallmarked, these are almost certainly plate, but definitely of above average quality and interest for Deakin flatware.