Persian Silver compact
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 9:35 am
Hallmarks Database and Silver Research
Thank you for your reply. I have checked the button, can't find any markings. I even checked the body as I know sometimes markings could be hidden in the patterns. I will check in sunlight today for any scratched Farsi script as my unmarked pin cushion had some.Aguest wrote:::::: The button where you press to make the compact open and close. Can you analyze that button with a magnifying glass and see if you see tiny hallmarks imprinted upon it? :::::: I think I see something but I could be wrong. :::: Yes it does seem Persian or Indo-Persian :::::
Thank you Damon. Yes it is definitely Kashmir silver with those leaf designs.Damon wrote:Hello Jannie
The dense vine and other floral images suggest Kashmiri work
This site has some good illustrations
Hope this helps