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Macabre Masterpieces - Sønderborg, Denmark - Until 23-10-2022

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:49 am
by dognose
Museum Sønderjylland
Sønderborg Castle
Sønderbro 1
6400 Sønderborg

Macabre Masterpieces

Makabre Mesterværker

Until 23rd October 2022

Macabre Masterpieces tackles an often taboo, but eternally topical subject, namely man's staging and artistic treatment of death.

The exhibition shows a series of pearls of exclusive jewelery created by leading Danish and foreign goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelery designers in a surprising encounter with prehistoric and historical objects from the museum's own collection and deposits from museums at home and abroad.

Together, the exhibited works constitute a journey into the dimensions of death with narratives that begin violently and with the triumph of death. The journey moves around many cultures and different times, and follows its own track, where time inevitably runs out, the body passes away, and where grief and rituals find a place together with notions of an afterlife and resurrection. Take a mind-blowing journey filled with chains, body parts, skulls, crosses and valuables.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Museum Sønderjylland, jewelery writer Nina Hald, who has curated the exhibition, and goldsmith Bodil Binner. Most of the modern jewelery has been created especially for the exhibition.

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10am - 5pm

Admission: DKK 95