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Danish Platter - Heimburger 830

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:06 pm
by Mjl
This silver platter says Heimburger 830, and a further mark - GR?

Just checking that this does indicate 830/1000 solid silver. Looking it up, it appears that Denmark didn't have a very formal system, but other Heimburger items on the web have other more formal looking hallmarks along with the name? I believe that this would date from 1929, but could be wrong - any thoughts? Thanks!



Re: Danish Platter - Heimburger 830

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:08 am
by Bahner
Hello, would agree that this indicates 830/1000 fine. As to Heimbuerger- he might just be the retailer of this piece and GR the actual maker. No clue, though a German maker might be possible (just a gut feeling). Regards, Bahner