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To Sea or Not To Sea: Corporate Pin

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:03 pm
by Traintime
One I decided the Better Business Bureau wasn't really trying to land some whales with creative casting I decided to try my luck in other waters. Turns out the Columbia River Packers Association was based in Astoria Oregon and began to absorb many of the brands of packed salmon under their final label of "Bumble Bee Brand". At one point they also had the Bon Bon Brand, but it was never big enough to represent their entire operation. Bumble Bee increasingly was and, as tuna joined the pack, it became the primary name in use. Finally, they rebranded the corporation and shut down the old plants going further afield. This pin with tie tack backing might be from the days when they operated in the Pacific Northwest. It's backmarked Sterling but has no maker's mark to be found. So far I've found nothing to help reach a conclusion about the source or the customer. There was some guy in New York (?) who did make fish pins and claimed an Alaska tie-in, but not sure if he did special commission stuff.




Re: To Sea or Not To Sea: Corporate Pin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:18 pm
by Traintime
Some borrowed images for the packers' past (labels, museum display in Astoria, workers in front of Bon Bon boxes put labels on another brand):




Thanks to the people who preserve these things.