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Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:04 pm
by jaume
Hello everyone again!,

I have been carefully reading the intervention of the collaborator named CLAPEL,to whom I thank for the information he has offered us about the Kalandrin Regie's Marks.

Here I show you images of a snuff box that I have added to my collection.


As always, Your opinions will be very appreciated. I state here under what I think about hallmarks:


1.-- Orfèvre: Capital L which should correspond to his first name. Le different/symbol: a triangle?. A capital T that could correspond to the family name. Feel free to give me your opinion, please. It will probably be a difficult question.


2.-- Jurande: P with 89


3.-- Charge??? I do not observe the A with number. I was surprised to find this image of a bust of a buffoon? (bouffon in french)


4.-- Discharge: Vine leave 5.


Thanks in advance for your comments and Regards


Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:03 am
by jaume
to Hi again,

After observing the hallmarks of the Snuff Box, I wanted to share with you some details:

- The hallmark with the bust of a buffoon, could be a head of Liberty used as "poinçon de recense" from 1798 to 1809. Could therefore have been added later. What do you think about it?
1798 - 1809

The second question that I would propose is the possibility of identifying the silversmith. In the box there are two hallmarks. Fortunately, one allows, in some part, the interpretation of the right side and the other, a part of the left side. I still think Le Different/The Symbol is a triangle. And about letters:
T ¿

Thank you for your comments



Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:32 am
by jaume
In CHISWICK AUCTIONS I have found a snuffbox that was sold on 25-03-2020 and was attributed to the silversmith Louis-Francois-Auguste Taunay.I don't know if the attribution is correct but the hallmark, has a great resemblance our box. Here I show you box and hallmarks:


Could any of you help me?

Thanks again


Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:59 am
by JayT
You have done a lot of research so far. Here are some comments to consider as you search for the maker of your snuff box.

I don’t believe that the maker was Taunay, whose symbol was a sun, but rather Louis-François Thiryfocq, whose pre-Revolutionary mark was LFTF, symbol a triangle. Thiryfocq made snuffboxes (la tabatière). He was admitted to the trade on 25 April 1786, registered a mark 6 May 1786, again in 1798, and was still registered in 1806.

He continued to work as a snuff box maker after the Revolution at 42 rue Grenata (or rue Grenétat, depending on the source) in Paris. This mark was LFT in a lozenge-shaped reserve, symbol a revolutionary cockade (une cocarde nationale).

Hope this helps.


See Nocq, v. 4, p. 50-51 and Arminjon, I, no. 02350, p. 242.

Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:08 pm
by jaume

Thank you Jay for your time and for the invaluable information.
Therefore,we discard Taunay and I agree with you that the silversmith who made this snuffbox is, Louis-François Thiryfocq. I have found several snuffbox made by Thiryfocq and there are some common elements among them.
I'll be visiting the MNAC public library in Barcelona next Tuesday and I'll be able to check the Nocq information that you specify.
I'll keep you posted.

Thanks and regards


Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:26 pm
by JayT
My pleasure to help!

Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:45 am
by jaume
Hello everyone,

These are the images of the Nocq of the silversmith of the snuffbox, louis François Thiryfocq.

There is no doubt about the maker. I have also learned that l'Hôpital de la Trinité in Paris, an institution of medieval origin that housed orphans, became a school of arts and crafts in the 18th century. Thiryfocq, must have died in 1803 because there is a post mortem inventory dated 04-18-1803.

Thanks again Jay and everyone



Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:21 am
by jaume
Hi again everyone,

Finally I have located, carefully cleaning, the charge hallmark. It's A7.


So, if I'm not wrong, for charge hallmark, A7, 23-08-1790 to 22-09 1790 and discharge vine leave 5, 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791, following the indications of Clapel.

Thank you for your patience!!


Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:14 am
by jaume




Re: Paris Snuff Box. Kalandrin Regie's Marks. 23-12-1790 to 22-03-1791??

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:53 pm
by JayT
Thanks for the update!