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Are these marks attributable to Bosworth?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:57 pm
by AllSeasons
I recently purchased these spoons and just wanted to confirmed on the attribution. The seller attributed these to Howard Bosworth. Here's the entry for Howard Bosworth on


One of the sample marks does contain the same 3 pseudo marks; however, "H. BOSWORTH" is not found on these spoons. This leads me to wonder if the 3 pseudo marks are Bosworth's wholesale marks.

I've seen somewhere else (wev's post on another forum) that the arm & hammer is usually attributed to NY, and the buffalo in the middle is attributed to Bosworth. Not sure about the eagle, though, which is probably more common amongst pseudo marks.

My other question has to do with Bosworth's first name. I've seen both Howard and Henry. Howard is on, which omits Henry; Henry is on, which omits Howard. Are Henry and Howard Bosworth the same person? It seems they both worked in Fredonia, NY.

The images are below. As always, any insight would be appreciated, and thank you in advance.


Re: Are these marks attributable to Bosworth?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:24 pm
by wev
As noted on my site, Bosworth was a jeweler and watchmaker, not a manufacturer. In census, directory listings, and his obituary, his given name is Henry, not Howard.

The three wholesale pseudo marks are attributed to John Smith Putnam. They can be found countermarked by many retailers working in the Buffalo area.

Re: Are these marks attributable to Bosworth?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:20 pm
by AllSeasons
Perfect, thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.

By the way, any thoughts on my other thread about the Gorham goblet?
