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pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:08 am
by GiulyF
Hy members,
I'm going crazy trying to figure out the marks of a double tastevin, the first one I come across and which from the decoration must be from the end of the 19th century, could it be pewter? I hadn't thought of that but I don't know where else to hit my head. if so, any suggestions on invoice country? 6G stands for?


Re: pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:15 am
by dognose

To understand the '6g' mark, see:


Re: pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:01 am
by GiulyF
dognose wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:15 am Hi,

To understand the '6g' mark, see:

Dear Trev. thank you, so it should be silver metal and not pewter, and it should also be French although I found no match for the goldsmith's mark. one thing that is not clear to me is therefore that there are proportionally 6 grams of silver out of how many? in proportion to 100 right?

Re: pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:49 am
by AG2012
6 grams of pure silver used to silver plate the whole item.
Different numbers were used for tea spoons; number of grams for the whole set.

Re: pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:14 am
by GiulyF
AG2012 wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:49 am 6 grams of pure silver used to silver plate the whole item.
Different numbers were used for tea spoons; number of grams for the whole set.
Dear AG2012if I have read correctly and let's pretend that this is a teaspoon served and not a tastevin, that live "alone", then in this case I should also find the total number of silver used on the whole served, right? in this case if there was 90 or 45 or 20, they would have been in proportion to 100 or 1000? when we talk about the alloy present on the total precious metal, is the proportion in hundredths or thousandths?

Re: pewter or silver?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:02 am
by dognose
The item is silver plated. There was, originally, approximately 6 grams of pure silver applied on to base metal.
