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Native American Bracelet
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:00 am
by bellalupo
Need help identifying the mark on this bracelet.
I've had this bracelet since 1975 .
(admin edit - see Posting Requirements )
Thank you so much
Re: Native American Bracelet
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:52 am
by Aguest
::::: This does seem like the work of "Violet And Jeffrey Begay" although the hallmark does not quite match the hallmark of record, the style of the bracelet does match other bracelets that do bear the hallmark of record. :::::
::::: There is some question about this hallmark because another example has a mis-struck last letter which might be a "D" so there is some indeterminacy, but since this bracelet looks so similar to other pieces by VJB it seems like this hallmark should be placed alongside the hallmark of record and be recognized as such. :::::::
:::::: Check the other bracelets by this maker and see what you think, that's my best guess anyway. ::::::