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Origin Identification: Old Silver Teaspoon

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:47 am
by ShinySpoon
Greetings! I'm seeking your expertise in identifying the origin of this silver spoon. I bought it from an online seller residing in Brandenburg, near Berlin. According to the seller, the spoon belonged to her grandparents who were born in 1904 and 1903 in Brandenburg and spent their entire lives there. Interestingly, the seller also hinted at the possibility of a Polish origin of the spoon, though the exact reason remains undisclosed (potentially owing to her grandparents' Polish migrant heritage).

Image Image

My current hypothesis leans towards this being a pretty old German spoon, quite possibly crafted before 1886. It lacks the typical crown and crescent marks, showcasing only the maker's mark and city mark (as I understand). I suspect it may have originated in one of the Polish cities that belonged to Germany prior to World War II.

Your insights and knowledge are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Best regards

Re: Origin Identification: Old Silver Teaspoon

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:15 am
by Theoderich
I'm only seeing this post now, hence a slightly late reply.

It is from Eschwege in Hessen.

BG is = Balthasar Göbel (ref. W. Scheffler, Goldschmiede Hessens, page 48+49, no.7 without image of makersmark).
oo (I) 3.6.1762
+ 14.12.1794

Your spoon is ca. 1780.