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Jakob Weiss modified(?) Biedermeier spice bowl from Austria

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:20 am
by Krash01
Hi All,

I've recently seen this piece, a candle holder (or maybe a toothpick holder)
It is marked as a Jakob Weiss piece, from Wien, 1840.


I've seen this dragon figure several times before, as a spice bowl, like this (in addition, it has four legs):


Is it possible that the first piece was altered from a spice bowl, the legs were removed and the candle holder added later?

Happy Holidays to All!

Re: Jakob Weiss modified(?) Biedermeier spice bowl from Austria

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:01 am
by AG2012
Pieces perfectly fit together; nothing has deliberately altered unless you use 10 x magnifying glass and examine carefully the places where ball feet were soldered. Regardless of skillful silversmith you will see traces of filing. Central ``candlestick, toothpick holder`` should be examined, too. There are always signs to betray any repair and altering to an expert eye.

Re: Jakob Weiss modified(?) Biedermeier spice bowl from Austria

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:24 am
by Krash01
Thank You very much.
I examined the piece under magnifying glass, I did not see any traces of filing, the bottom piece looks perfectly smooth.
Also, the candlestick holder looks okay, I did not see any sign of the spice bowl or it's holder.
So all in all, probably this is not altered.
I was suspicious, because the wings are repaired, and I haven't seen this figure in this kind of form. But maybe Jacob's firm did multiple things on the same base.