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Do these marks look okay?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:06 am
by AllSeasons
I came across an item with these standard 800 German marks. However, there is no maker's mark, which makes me a little uneasy. The seller said he has not tested it for silver content, and is relying on the marks. Do these marks look okay to you? Thank you in advance!


Re: Do these marks look okay?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:51 am
by oel
Incomplete and not okay. Although the German crescent moon and crown and the fineness mark are applied by the importer or maker, and exist in many variations. There should next to these marks also be a responsibility mark of the maker or importer.


Re: Do these marks look okay?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:41 pm
by AllSeasons
Thank you, Peter! In your opinion, should I just avoid making this purchase, unless the seller can provide testing results?

Re: Do these marks look okay?

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:57 am
by oel
I would say so, yes.


Re: Do these marks look okay?

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:41 pm
by AllSeasons
Thank you, Peter! I think I will hold off on buying this item then.