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Redefining the Jewel - The Knot - Casalmaggiore, Italia - Until 9-6-2024

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 5:37 am
by dognose
Casalmaggiore Bijou Museum
Via Azzo Porzio 9
26041 Casalmaggiore (CR)

Redefining the Jewel - The Knot

Until 9th June 2024

43 unique creations on the Knot theme

The ninth edition of the " Redefinie il Gioiello " contest embraces the theme of the knot: interweaving, bond, which, inspired by the oldest pieces of the museum's heritage, becomes a contemporary jewel made of non-precious material but for this reason even more "rich" in meaning and creativity. An exhibition of unique and original pieces, selected by Sonia Patrizia Catena , curator of cultural events linked to the world of jewellery, in collaboration with the Circuiti Dinamici association of Milan and numerous partners.

In each edition, Redefining Jewelery welcomes an artist from the world of contemporary art to talk about the theme of the competition. This year the invited artist is Marisa Iotti who, through her visual grammar, has outlined an exhibition itinerary called " ÀNEMOS " characterized by sculptures, installations and fiber art works that will dialogue with the jewels on display.

This year, the jewels of the artist Patrizia Giachero, winner of the "Contemporary Jewelry" competition announced by the Rossini Gallery last April 2023, and the drawings by Carmela Barbato which are part of the "Mediterranean Trame" series, a project which, through exploration of ancient bijoux from the permanent collections of the Bijou Museum of Casalmaggiore, investigates and morphologically reinterprets the concept of "knot".

Andrea Benoni - Katalyxer, Atelier Effects - Flavia Turone, Brigitta Petrovszki Lajszki, Chimajarno, Siku Collection - Graziana Giunta, Cristina Croce, Cristina Lottero, de Cor productions, donidelmare jewels by Emily DeVito and Roberto Coppola, Elena Berti Margià, Elena Ramaparelli , Elenadp Crea, Ellence, Elli Atelier Contemporary Jewelry, Ely Milano Jewelry, Erika Mazzola, FiloGioielli di Filomena Di Camillo, Francesca Romana Sansoni - Segni di terra, Gaia Descovich Jewels, Gianfranco Quartaroli - Circuiti Gioielli, GIOI Giulia Vignetti, La Chigi, Laetitia Autrand, Lamobijoux - Maurizio Mo, LeMari Riciclano, Luisa Capua - Z'Atelier, Maria Cristina Codecasa Conti - Le Troisième Songe, Michela Guatto, Monica Ungarelli, NearteNeparte art&craft by Anna Esposito, Oplà! Michela Deanesi, Paolacreart - Paola Marzoli, Paolella_Rakuecrochet by Paola Cisterni - Elena Ramparelli, Pasly - Pasqualina Tripodi, Patrizia Giachero, Roger Cavinatto, Rosalba Rombolà Gioielli, Rosella Catalano, Rovescio Pensieri d'arte by Roberta Pozzi, SilverStrass - Silvia Orani, Valentina Grotto , Vera Rossini - Cakes & Troubles

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00-12.00 and 15.00-18.00; Sunday and holidays: 15.00-19.00 Closed Mondays.

Admission: €3 ... anee/page/

Re: Redefining the Jewel - The Knot - Casalmaggiore, Italia - Until 9-6-2024

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:02 am
by dognose
This exhibition has been extended unto 22nd September 2024.
