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I.S. Co’s Washington for McAlpin in 1912..what?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:32 am
by Traintime
This entry by Trev. notes International Silver’s equipping of the new Hotel McAlpin in New York near Herald Square in the year 1912: viewtopic.php?p=114593&hilit=McAlpin#p114593

It is mentioned that the flatware would just be the “Washington Pattern” which was apparently in use already and thought to be serviceable enough, even though it doesn’t seem fancy. With those clues began a hunt for what this ware was exactly. A ghost image that popped up (a gone listing) seemed to match one of the flatware design for one of the subsidiary names, but the dating was much too late. As it turns out though, Holmes and Edwards did have a Washington line from 1910, and it also seems to be the same design. By that time H&E was a part of Insico and it would seem that their wares were being used by the Hotel Division for clients. Finding a marked McAlpin piece would solve the question once and for all. [This was said to be the largest hotel in the world at the time of its’ construction.]

The ghost image of the front of the alleged McAlpin spoon with no backstamp, logo, or hotel name visible:


