Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:15 am
This small box (Height 3 cm; Long 3,7 cm; Wide 3,2 cm; Weight 19 gram) has a clear mastermark CD, a dateletter that looks like a C and a townmark that looks like the townmark for Alkmaar, North Holland. The mastermarks for Alkmaar I have acces to don't list a master CD, but if it is Alkmaar, dateletter C could mean 1737. That could make a match with the form of the box.
Maybe it isn't Alkmaar. What else townmark could it be? And who could master CD be?
This small box (Height 3 cm; Long 3,7 cm; Wide 3,2 cm; Weight 19 gram) has a clear mastermark CD, a dateletter that looks like a C and a townmark that looks like the townmark for Alkmaar, North Holland. The mastermarks for Alkmaar I have acces to don't list a master CD, but if it is Alkmaar, dateletter C could mean 1737. That could make a match with the form of the box.
Maybe it isn't Alkmaar. What else townmark could it be? And who could master CD be?