two silver ladels (argentina silver)
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:28 pm
First off i appologise for not haveing photos, my phones camera isnt good enough to take them to high enough quality to get one and my digital camera is no better, i will try and get some as soon as i can. I may try scanning the silver items into the computer when i get my scanner back.
Anyway recently while clearing out my grans house i have been dateing all the silverwear we find and i came across these two, they have extremly odd silver marks.
The first ladel has:
A (in a circle), 1 (in a rectangle), a strange symbol which looks like an extremly fancy H, a symbol which looks like a circle with a plus attached to it (like the sign for a girl which was popular in the 60's), last of all there is the makers mark this consists of a shield-like shape with a crown over J.G, around this in a horseshoe shape are the words argentina silver.
(the symbols from this ladel is very similar to the one from these tongs which are on eBay which i found while looking for a way to date this piece
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The second ladel has:
A (fancy, in a circle), a shape which looks reminiscent of the head of a flower... ie its roughly ciircular and has lots of bumps around the outside this is in a roughly circular shape, a crown (similar to those on sheffield silver in a square with its corners cut off), the strange h shape again (which is why i think its from the same place or near the same place anyway), a fancy S in a circle, last the makers mark is similar to the last one except it has the letters EP (could possibly be EF but i dont think it is)
Anyway recently while clearing out my grans house i have been dateing all the silverwear we find and i came across these two, they have extremly odd silver marks.
The first ladel has:
A (in a circle), 1 (in a rectangle), a strange symbol which looks like an extremly fancy H, a symbol which looks like a circle with a plus attached to it (like the sign for a girl which was popular in the 60's), last of all there is the makers mark this consists of a shield-like shape with a crown over J.G, around this in a horseshoe shape are the words argentina silver.
(the symbols from this ladel is very similar to the one from these tongs which are on eBay which i found while looking for a way to date this piece
(admin edit - see Posting Requirements )
The second ladel has:
A (fancy, in a circle), a shape which looks reminiscent of the head of a flower... ie its roughly ciircular and has lots of bumps around the outside this is in a roughly circular shape, a crown (similar to those on sheffield silver in a square with its corners cut off), the strange h shape again (which is why i think its from the same place or near the same place anyway), a fancy S in a circle, last the makers mark is similar to the last one except it has the letters EP (could possibly be EF but i dont think it is)