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Wine taster - German, English or French - Help with one mark

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:20 am
by fekendids
Sorry no photo's in this thread but hopefully quite a simple mark to describe.

The mark is on a Wine Taster or it may be a Bleeding Bowl.
There is only one hallmark on the bowl and it is on the underneath of the handle.

In the bottom/middle of the mark is a horizontal crescent moon, pointing upwards like a smiley face and in the middle of the smile is a 5 pointed star.

This bit on it's own is very similar to the Schleswig City Hallmark but turned 90 Degrees.

Above the crescent moon and star, so now we're talking middle top, are three more 5 pointed stars in the shape of an arch.

There are two initials, one either side of the moon and stars. The initiail on the left is rubbed but it looks as thougth it is an A and on the right hand side is the initial B.

Any help would be truly appreciated. I've spent days trying to find this mark and all to no avail. The closest I've found are the Schleswig City mark, if the makers initial and mark (3 stars) have been added to it, I could see it being right. The other mark I've found which is similar is Abraham Buteux.
