World Decimal Standards
- .1000 - Japan
- .999 - Fine Silver - accepted by member nations of the *Hallmarking Convention
- .980 - Mexico [common in the 1930s]
- .970 - Mexico
- .959 - Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic
- .958 - U.K. [Britannia]
- .950 - France [1er titre], Japan, U.S. [2nd H. 19th C. on some better quality]
Netherlands [until 1814], Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary
- .948 - Russia [91 Zolotniki]
- .940 - Poland, Mexico
- .935 - Austria, Germany, Switzerland
- .934 - Netherlands [until 1953]
- .930 - Netherlands [w/pseudomarks 19 C.], Germany, Israel, Palestine
- .925 - U.K. [Sterling], U.S. [Sterling - since c.1870], Ireland [Sterling], Denmark [since1893],
Netherlands [current], Israel. It is evolving into a worldwide standard.
- .916 - Finland, Poland[after 1963], Portugal [after 1886], Russia [88 Zolotniki], Romania,
Spain [before 1934], Latvia
- .915 - Spain [after 1934]
- .900 - U. S. [Coin - prior to c.1870], China, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Japan, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon
- .875 - Russia [84 Zolotniki], Baltic States, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Romania, Latvia
- .844 - Denmark [13½ Lødigt], Norway (18th C.)
- .840 - Iran
- .835 - Germany, Netherlands [current], Belgium, Austria, Portugal [current]
- .833 - Portugal [after 1886], Netherlands [until 1953], Denmark [after 1800], Norway [18th C.]
- .830 - Norway [after 1892], Denmark [after 1972], Sweden, Finland, Portugal [current]
- .826 - Denmark [13¼ Lødigt] [1893 - 1972], Norway [before 1892]
- .813 - Germany [13 Loth], Finland
- .800 - Germany, Italy, France [2éme titre], Netherlands [until 1814], Poland, Portugal [current],
Switzerland, Spain, Argentina, Japan, Romania, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon
- .750 - Germany & Prussia [12 Loth], Italy, Spain, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland
Hungary, Romania
- .700 - Lebanon
- .687 - Germany [11 Loth]
- .625 - Germany [10 Loth]
- .600 - Egypt
* "Hallmarking Convention" member nations as of 2007 - Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals