Reed and Barton - Warming Dish

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Reed and Barton - Warming Dish

Post by researcher16 »

I'm having trouble identifying all the marks on the bottom of this chafing dish. It's obviously Reed and Barton, but I can't find any information on "Sulgrade Manoe" if that's even what that says, or on the three crest-images at the top.

Does the swan mean it was made in 1934, or is it facing the wrong way and therefore mean something else?


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Re: Reed and Barton - Warming Dish

Post by dognose »


Welcome to the Forum.

That would be 'Sulgrave Manor' (named after the ancestral home of George Washington), a brand name used by Reed & Barton. I'm not sure when it was introduced, but they still use the name today.

The swan mark appears to be that of 1934. See:

I'm also curious as to the other marks

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Re: Reed and Barton - Warming Dish

Post by dragonflywink »

Believe all the 'Sulgrave Manor' holloware I 've seen bore date marks from the 1930s-40s, always just supposed the pseudo-marks were a take-off on 'Old Sheffield Plate' marks, alluding to supposed quality and the British location of Sulgrave Manor (they're on all the old pieces in this pattern). The current candlesticks offered in the pattern are more of gift item, plated cast metal, made overseas. R&B also produced an odd and short-lived hybrid flatware (sterling handles/stainless working ends) in 1979 under the 'Sulgrave Manor" name, along with 'Revolution' and 'Rose Arbor'.

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