These are from van der Meulen in the little city of Joure in the Frisian province of the Netherlands. The makers mark was used between 1958 and 1984.
This is the Italic d for 1963.
It looks like a Minerva head with the caracter F in the helmet. It may have been damaged deliberately, because this silver factory often has discussion with the assay-office about their costs. When in 1988 there was only one office left in the city of Gouda (till 1985 still in the near city of Leeuwarden), the trip to Gouda was too far and the factory stopped his own production at the end of 1984. They than only worked on order for clients with their makers marks. But they also went on as a private assay office with lower costs then the official governmental Gouda office.
May be this ladle wasn't officially offered to the assay-office and vdM has punched a look alike mark by his own, vague enough to make comparing impossible, while the punch is deep enough to be a good one.