Another apostle spoon to identify

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Another apostle spoon to identify

Post by techsol »

Hi All,

This is another apostle spoon I have aquired, this time with only a makers mark struck once (so possibly not even London). Can anybody shed any light on a possible maker?

Many Thanks


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Re: Another apostle spoon to identify

Post by agphile »

I don’t recognise the mark but with a large letter followed by a small one it looks very much like a mark from the Britannia standard era - possibly Jo for something like Jo(nes). If so, this makes it very late for an English apostle spoon. I would want to check very carefully for any sign that it might have started life as a Hanoverian spoon, subsequently reshaped and given a new finial.

Also bear in mind that if there is only one mark on an apostle spoon it would normally be struck in the bowl - another reason to be a bit cautious. Sorry to be a bit pessimistic - I write as one scarred by the acquisition of the occasional “wrong” apostle in the past.

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