Rings with STERLING in block and U with an arrow thru it

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Rings with STERLING in block and U with an arrow thru it

Post by mcshannon »

Sorry, but pics were too blurry. Cleaned out mother's trunk and found a couple dozen rings with rhinestones. Inside is stamped Sterling in block letters and then a U with an arrow going horizontal through it. The U has a little curl on each side, sort of cursive like.
I know it was from the 50's as the trunk was taken to Germany in 1956 and came back a few years later and never unpacked. They seem to be bridal sets (bands and then solitaires as well) as my mother was engaged to be married before she went to Germany.

Thanks for any help or clues.

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Post by 2209patrick »

The Uncas Manufacturing Company, Providence, Rhode Island, used an arrow through the letter U mark. Founded in 1911 by Vincent Sorrentino. In business at least into the 1990's.

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