Yes, many good books. Please do notice that book AA02 is Postnikova-Loseva's edition UNVES from 1995 and the "bible", book AA02a is the German version of Postnikova's first incomplete edition from 1967 and not worth to buy if you have Postnikova's NAUKA 1983 or UNVES 1995 editions. The later editions have complemented information. Both editions are, anyway, similar, UNVES is only a new print copy of NAUKA.
Book AA04Watts is a poor version of Postnikova full with faults, mistakes and misspellings. Absolutely not worth to buy. The problem is the same as I mentioned in my previous input. AA13 is a very interesting book but it was due to copyright reasons withdrawn from the market and difficult to find but worth to buy.
Please also note that rather few books contain good lists of masters and pictures/soot marks of their marks but lots of good pictures.
If you manage to find the book showed below, buy it irrespective of it rather poor English and some incompleteness. It is a good book. However, a minor warning! It is expensive.
Here is also another book worth to buy but difficult to get.