This is not a question it is more of information. I have had great pleasure of this forum. We all can use new information. This contains marks of danish silver guardeins. Danish standard was 4 marks. 1. The 3 towers including year. 2. Guardein 3. month mark and 4. Maker.
In 1608 the 3 towers was used for the first time. The first guardein was Peter Buræus (1677-1679) - I do not have his mark but it was "PB over W".
Next guardein was Conrad Ludolph (1679-1729). Not in my collection but "CL over MW" or "C.L." was his mark.
The third guardein was Peter Sonderburg (1729) - only active a few month "PS over W"
Peter Nicolai von haven (1729-1749)
Christopher Fabritius (1749-1787)
His son Frederik Fabritius (1787-1823) used an "F" in a circle of dots.
Christian Næboe (1823-1827)
Used an "N" in a plain circle.
Jacob Graah Fabritius (1827-1831) the third Fabritius as guardein. The "F" in a circle.
Due to this dynasty of guardeins danish silver from 1700/1800 has got the nick name "Fabritius Silver" this name is from the days when the makers were on known- so they used that name.
Christian Olsen Møller (1831-1840)
Peter R. Hinnerup (1840-1863)
Simon Groth (1863-1904)
During his period the oblication to stamp silver became up to the individual maker. On January 1st 1893 the obligation stoped. Decimal calculation was introduced instead of lod. The 3 towers could be used all over Denmark. Up to this time only Copenhagen was permited to use the 3 towers. His mark is an "S in a G"
Christian F. Heise (1904-1932)
He was "city guardein" nr 12 and the last one. He became wery rich because everybody from all over Denmark had their silver tested by him. Afterwards the title was changed to "State guardein"
Now the silver bible says Jens Sigsgaard but in fact his name was Johannes Siggaard (1932-1960)
Danish silver 1729 onwards
Danish silver 1729 onwards
Last edited by Hose_dk on Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:20 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Thank you Hosedk, this is great. I've included a couple of the missing marks from a chart I have been working on to add to the website. It should be added to the Danish Makers section by the new year, thanks to a couple of your contributions.
Best Regards, Tom
Best Regards, Tom
His son Frederik Fabritius (1787-1823) used an "F" in a circle of dots. I do not have his mark in my colection....
Christian Næboe (1823-1827)
Used an "N" in a plain circle.
Its 3 books and they are in danish only.
1. Danske sølv mærker,
Danske guld og sølv smedemærker før 1870 by Chr. A. Bøje from 1979
This one cowers Copenhagen
2. Danske guld og sølv smedemærker bind 2 Købstæderne
same author but Sven Fritz & Finn Grandt-Nielsen extended it.
It contains bigger cities in Denmark except Copenhagen and the southern part of jutland.
form 1982
3. Danske sølv mærker 3. Sønderjylland med register samt sølvforfalskninger also Chr. A . Bøje but Sigurd Schoubye extended it in 1982
South of jutland
The 3 books contains some 7000 marks - makers guardeins (i have shown that page) month marks etc.
890 pages in all. Sold out many years ago.
In case i should translate some of the above - give me a note. but I think its to be understood.
1. Danske sølv mærker,
Danske guld og sølv smedemærker før 1870 by Chr. A. Bøje from 1979
This one cowers Copenhagen
2. Danske guld og sølv smedemærker bind 2 Købstæderne
same author but Sven Fritz & Finn Grandt-Nielsen extended it.
It contains bigger cities in Denmark except Copenhagen and the southern part of jutland.
form 1982
3. Danske sølv mærker 3. Sønderjylland med register samt sølvforfalskninger also Chr. A . Bøje but Sigurd Schoubye extended it in 1982
South of jutland
The 3 books contains some 7000 marks - makers guardeins (i have shown that page) month marks etc.
890 pages in all. Sold out many years ago.
In case i should translate some of the above - give me a note. but I think its to be understood.
New maker fabritius
So I received the spoon and I was correct another guardein is entering my collection. It is Frederik Fabritius (1787-1823)
The mark with the 3 towers is from 1800.
The "open" towers is typically up to 1823 then they become more closed.
I have not yes identified the maker - anyone who can suggest ? it looks like an S but that cannon be correct.
The mark with the 3 towers is from 1800.
The "open" towers is typically up to 1823 then they become more closed.
I have not yes identified the maker - anyone who can suggest ? it looks like an S but that cannon be correct.
Another guardein was added to my collection today. Christian Næboe. Guardein between 1823 and 1827. He was guardein when he was 53 years old. He died 4 years later. So his mark is a little bit rare.
I bought 4 spoons with his mark so I also got the 3 towers from 1823. Part of the same lot was 2 forks with the 3 towers from 1829. But that guardein Jacob Fabritius was already in my collection.
I bought 4 spoons with his mark so I also got the 3 towers from 1823. Part of the same lot was 2 forks with the 3 towers from 1829. But that guardein Jacob Fabritius was already in my collection.