I’m trying to identify the maker of this box and the relationship between the two sets of marks it carries. I'm hoping the forum can help.
It sports a set of French marks that seems to show it was made between 1798 and 1809, assayed in Paris and has a fineness of at least 0.950. It carries a French maker's mark that I'll come on to later, but next to this is another mark which looks like an anchor. Together with the ‘Crown over a V’ mark, they suggest to me that the box is associated with the period when the French were occupying the Netherlands between 1810 and 1814, with the anchor being the assay mark for Steenwyk. Paris is not Steenwyk, so have I misinterpreted the marks? Was it imported into this part of Holland after it was made? Was it made 1809/10? I'm not sure, so clearly there's a link between the two sets of marks that I don't understand.
The maker's mark is so poorly stamped that only part is visible. I can’t even tell which way round it should go, so I’ve presented it twice, 180 degrees to each other. There’s an obvious letter ‘s’ at the point of the diamond and a ghost of another letter which may be an H, K, M or even an N. I’ve checked the French makers marks listed on this site, but I can’t find anything that matches, so I'm hoping it's recognizable to someone on the forum.
So, there we are. Any help on both maker and origin would be very welcome!