Hallo an alle Forumaner.
Wer kennt diese Marke Stadtmarke...etc, welche auf massive Silger geschlagen ist.
http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnai ... _thumb.jpg
Marke Punze Silber
Re: Marke Punze Silber
Sie muß aus der Zeit um 1550-1650 sein.
Deutsche Herkunft. Es kann eine Stadtmarke oder Kontrollmarke sein.
Ob es eine Meistermarke ist, weiß ich nicht.
Bitte um aussagekräftige Antwort.
Re: Marke Punze Silber
Hi, I have embedded the image of the mark.
The whole image of the item would be halpfull.
No idea what German town it may be (if German at all).The lack of additional marks makes positive identification difficult.
Further rearsch is needed.
Best wishes
Re: Marke Punze Silber
Hello. i have hear it is an german Hallmark.
Re: silver mark Hallmark
http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/ ... rt3qhv.jpgmandy1 wrote:http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/ ... pnohx7.jpgmandy1 wrote:mandy1 wrote:Hello. What is this for an Hallmark.
It is from the 1600-1700
Re: silver mark Hallmark
Hi, please embedded your images and show us an image of the item and an image of all the marks. Use the pre-view button and check quality of your images before submit.