The bottom mark is almost certainly Grimwade No 3106 , given as William Eaton , plateworker 1828 That mark seems to have been renewed several times as Grimwade records " twelve other similar marks" 1828 - 1840.
Grimwade No 3105 is also ascribed to William Eaton as plateworker 1813 . It's a pelleted mark and matches your top mark nicely .
There are problems with the name William Eaton . There are at least two, and I suspect perhaps three . The plateworker above , and one bucklemaker and his son
William Eaton, the bucklemaker, usually referred to as William Eaton 1. He entered marks a bucklemaker in between 1781 and 1801 , but none had pellets. Probably died 1828 . His son was born 1788 and apprenticed to his father in 1802 but I do not think he entered any marks
The top mark, WE with a pellet , was also used by William Eley , but by early 1797 he no longer used a sole mark, but only a mark with partners.
Grimwades entries on pages 499 and 747 rather confuse the matter. See ... 74&t=22117 where you can get even more confused