Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

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Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

Post by Luleciligi »

Dear all,

I hope someone on this forum can help identifying the maker of this pipe.

A bit of history on this piece: it is modeled in the shape of a Turkish chibouk pipe. The pipe is completely handmade (not made from machined parts), the inside consists of a red Turkish clay pipe to guarantee a dry smoke.

The pipe is marked on the underside with 2 hallmarks: "12" and "Nagy" (If I read it correctly)

The 12 Löthiges mark is an exact match to Fig. 8 in the attached pages from Die Punzirung in Oesterreich - Karl Knies - 1896

This would mean the pipe s made in the mig 19th century in Krakow, Poland at the time of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Is there anyone who can identify this silversmith? Any info on the smith or anything pertaining to this pipe is very welcome.

Looking forward to your reply,


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Re: Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

Post by AG2012 »

Welcome to the forum.
With "12" and "Nagy" it`s difficult to identify the maker, unless one of the members of the forum from Hungary (Krisztian) can recognize the maker without town mark.
Nagy is a typical Hungarian name and I doubt it was made in ex-German territories in Poland.
R ingo
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Re: Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

Post by R ingo »

Hello Arjan,
I am no an expert in the design of old pipes. The style of the makersmark looks like made in the 19th century, but the foot of the one in the 12 Loth mark looks to me not like made about 1850. Based on this aspect and the decoration I would expect the pipe was made in the early (first quater?) 19th century.
The only Goldsmith Nagy I know is Paul Anton Nagy, mentioned 1817 in the city Magdeburg.

Kind regards,
R ingo
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Re: Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

Post by R ingo »


There was mentioned a goldsmith Jozsef Nagy about 1828 in Sered, Slovakia.
(3 other goldsmithes namend Nagy from Trnava, Krupina and Komarno died in the 17th and 18th century and are not considered)

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Re: Looking for help identifying a Polish(?) mid 19th century silversminth

Post by huszas76 »

I think, you better forget Krakow. I'm pretty sure, that your pipe is from Hungary.
We know 10 different maker named Nagy at the 19. century in Hungary. (with the known working period)
Nagy Ajtai István: Nagybánya (1813)
Nagy Ferenc: Gyöngyös (1862)
Nagy Ferenc:Miskolc (1803-1805)
Nagy György: Miskolc (1820)
Nagy. I: Kolozsvár (1870-72)
Nagy István:Kolozsvár (From 1803)
Nagy János:Pest (1816-1844)
Nagy József:Szered (1828)
Nagy László:Miskolc (1811-1822)
Nagy Sándor:Kolozsvár (1809-1846)
There is a lot of possible maker's, but we know only some of his marks.
There was a silver clock in a London auction from Pest with the next maker mark from 1818. It's from Nagy János:
This mark belong to him too:
I don't think, the pipe is from him, because the hallmark from Pest is known, end very recognizable.
These marks belongs to Nagy László in Miskolc:
I have 2 different coffe spoons with the next marks:
I don't know, which maker made it, i suspect, NAgy László from Miskolc.
That's all I know the Nagy's from Hungary in the 19. century.
I hope this helps!
Best regards!
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