I have recently acquired an old very large bowl bonbon spoon that is definitely Whiting. But the mark is a bit different from the W and the lion with his tail whipping back. There is a "4" before a small w followed by a lion sort of creature (an older mark) with his tail gently curving up. The tail does not go straight up. The lion has less detail than the newer marks. There is no patent mark. I believe there is some other mark which is worn off. It almost appears to be minor scratches but I can make out an N and a mark that appears to be 1/2. Can anyone help me figure out the date of this item? I don't think a camera would catch it.
Thanks. You guys are great. I'm learning, but I will try to help out.
whiting bonbon spoon makers' marks
whiting bonbon spoon
Yes, it is marked sterling. Thanks