Everybody loves a mystery, but I've about had it with this one, it's been driving me crazy for a couple of months and is one of the reasons why this part of the forum was created.
Made by Gorham, date marked for 1911 and patent in application.
The lid swivels open and when closed it locks on a track. The two pincers are spring mounted, so when not squeezed together, they spring back from center to sides.
Obviously, one was meant to open it, put something in it, lock the cover closed and then squeeze the pincers...and voila! you get...what?
My best guess was a cigarette roller, I even mashed some tobacco & papers in it, but the shape of the pincer interior is wrong and the resulting mess was...a mess.
I put a lump of clay in and got out a 2 1/8 inch long x 1/4 inch square clay ingot with deep grooves down two sides, a sort of hourglass in profile.
The resulting product didn't help, I'm still clueless to its purpose.
Please help, I need to get on with my life.
Regards, Tom