Liberty and Co marks

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Liberty and Co marks

Post by sarahwaldron »

I need help identifying a mark on the inside of a ring. The ring is in the style of Archibald Knox, but has sadly been made smaller, during which process the sponser's mark has been all but destroyed. All that remains is "& Co". I wondered if anyone knows and can give examples of what the Liberty & Co sponser's mark looks like? Thanks.
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Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:52 pm

Post by admin »

Hi Sarah,
I've just added an example of the mark at ->
Birmingham Makers' Marks

Regards, Tom

Post by nmdc114 »

Hi there.

There is another registered mark for Liberty & Co which is registered in London. It is in a rectangle and has L with a small y above and to the right of it then & followed by Co but the 'o' is parallel with the top of the 'C' and has a full stop underneath it.

Regards, nmdc114
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