cases from Ottoman pocket watches

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cases from Ottoman pocket watches

Post by perisae1 »

Hello from Thessaloniki, Greece. I am collector of Ottoman pocket watches and I am interested mainly for historic reasons to know what information can we find from their cases (year (period), origin, etc). Generally, almost all of these watches (Ottoman) it is known that created in Switzerland (the movement) and in England (the case). Is this correct (from the images that I'll show you), or we will find something else?
There are images from 7 different cases of Ottoman pocket watches that I attacked.
So, I need your help.
I will be very happy if someone helps. Thanks,


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Re: cases from Ottoman pocket watches

Post by AG2012 »

Welcome to the forum.
Your image is embedded.
Not British (London) marks at all. Fantasy faked marks.
There was an American Excelsior watch company but I am not an expert.
Have seen a lot of faked Ottoman and WW I ``presentation`` watches (mostly from Bulgaria).Take care.
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Re: cases from Ottoman pocket watches

Post by perisae1 »

AG2012 first o all, thank you very much, for your welcome, your answer, the time to spend to help me.
Second, my English are not my native language, so don't be surprised if you see a sentence that makes not sense.
AG2012 your note about the fantasy faked marks is very interested (I was expecting to see to some of my watches). I believe the term "fake" is right not regarding to the period, but regarding to the case maker.
I know that the image that I shown, is from a pocket watch case that is over 70 years old (given to me from a friend that it had from his grandfather), it can't be made from 1950's as a "fake" vintage case, because, there was no world marked of these type of objects that years, Greece and all the world came from the WW2 and were engaged in reconstruction (no tourism, no nothing).
So, if this case is from 1800's (around 1900), my opinion is that maybe, were some maker in Ottoman Empire (these days was very big, it had the half Balkans, and almost all middle East), that create cases for movement that came from Switzerland. Ottoman Empire had hallmarks, but the citizens buyers from Empire didn't want to have Ottoman cases. So, many makers create cases (silver with quality) but with "fake" hallmarks. But I believe that is important to database these marks, because maybe in the future will make a study from a researcher and will find the makers shop of the Ottoman Empire.
I forgot to tell that the case is from Thessaloniki, the other side is this:
i know that the symbol of the stamp of the case is the "coat of arms" of the ottoman Empire which introduced at 1872, but I believe that the case is older.
And also, thank you AG2012 for your advice, i believe that these fakes cases are also very collectible and valuable, like some countermarks coins.
I will upload and other images, of these types cases from my Ottoman watches, please continue to help me (and every one), your help is very valuable to me,
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Re: cases from Ottoman pocket watches

Post by AG2012 »

Hello again,
My comment was in regard of ‚‚British‚‚ marks. They are fantasy marks, possibly struck on either imported or domestic cases more than hundred years ago to make them more desirable for buyers within Ottoman Empire.
Feel free to ask.
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Re: cases from Ottoman pocket watches

Post by perisae1 »

Based to all above, also and from a topic that i found: ... 86342.html

we can say that the case was trying to be similar with other cases who hallmarked to London the year 1865? so, the date of this "fake" hallmarked case is around to 1865?
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