Hi Markaty,
Your silver mesh purse. Those are Dutch marks; script
V ; duty mark for imported gold and silver objects, the V for the Dutch word ˜vreemd" which translate to foreign. The mark gives no guarantee of standard of fineness.
It was intended for imported objects only. It was however sometimes by mistake used on old objects of national origin.Used 1906-1953.
For more information see;
The other mark with the number 7 is the 1906 weight indication mark. These weight indication marks consist of a series of 20, with the numbers 1 to 20, multiply the number by five to obtain the gross weight in grams, in this case the weight; 7x5 = 35 gram. These marks give no guarantee by themselves but must always occur in combination with hallmarks or duty marks. Until 1932 the gross weight of the object was indicated, afterwards the net weight of the precious metal. Valid from 1906 till present