Looking at the numerical mark it appears to be 13¼L (13 and a quarter) and the only German (and Prussian) loth marks I have seen were whole numbers 10-14. Referring to the World Silver Standard “library resource” on our site, I note this also only shows whole numbers for Germany. However looking at standard values for other countries around the Baltic Sea (circa 19th century) fractional numbers as on my spoon are shown for Denmark. Additionally there are several posts on the Forum referencing the Norway as using these fractional silver standards. The finial then is not Darth Vader then, but possibly a Norse God.
Moving on to the smaller oval mark I struggle to confidently identify any thing from the mark. If it is a maker or an assay master it could be a JC mark or could it be a city mark? The nearest I found was the described as “Fleur de Lis” of the Danish city of “Odense”. There were some illustrations of “Odense” marks in a 2011 post.
http://www.925-1000.com/forum/viewtopic ... lit=odense
Still I need some help from the forum please. It would be nice to get the old “where,when,who” but any knowledge or ideas will help.
A few other queries then cropped up after my searches with this spoon.
I assume these fractional marks were conversions of original national standards to aid sales in Germany or because the countries had come under German “influence”. Is that correct? The history snippets I read indicated some flux in the politics and boundary’s of these Baltic States in that 19th century period.
What about the Baltic port towns like Riga and Tallinn? Were they always Russia influenced or were they also sometimes in the loth standard group? I know that Kliapeda (Memel) and Gdansk (Danzig) were associated with Prussia and likely used loth standard. Also Sweden with its long period of date marking silver did that country ever use loth notations? I am sure there is more knowledge from the forum to be gleaned.
Lastly, in the forum posts and on the website the “L” unit is described as Lodig,Lodigt,Loth and Lot which confuses research. I assume the Lot is an Anglicised version of Loth so perhaps these last 2 sentences may be a useful for others like me who usually concentrate on British plate and silver.