Word Challenge-"Arcanium"

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Word Challenge-"Arcanium"

Post by Traintime »

Here is a stumper. [Ignore recent Punk bands and fantasy world gamers.] The Latin word Arcanum (pl. Arcana) relates to "Secret" and has been associated with alchemists trying to change base metals into gold. "Arcanium" surfaces in an 1825 British journal listed among nouns used in English which are directly transferred from Latin (Found here if you can access G-books):
https://books.google.com/books?id=P8ARA ... um&f=false

This lost word again surfaces in Australia (late 1800's) in an oddball source used as Arcanium Museo...have no idea why.
Finally, before their demise around 2010, the Sterling China Company of Wellsville Ohio put the word as a brand name with a copyright symbol on a chop plate made for the US Marine Corps Officers' Club at K-Bay Hawaii (not found yet on any other china). This may be like the Coors China use of ALOX (AluminumOxide) used as a name for a high Alumina body.
If this is a word describing a secret-formula for a base metal, it may surface in literature related to Silver or Gold Smithing (and/or platers). Any chance anyone has come across this?
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