I have a spoon, sadly without city mark. i have seen similar spoons made by Carsten Lauridse, Copenhagen from the end of the 17th century, also without city mark. So I presume, that the spoon was made in Denmark. Has anybody an idea?
Kind regards, Ringo
early spoon, probably from Denmark
Re: early spoon, probably from Denmark
By researching the danish makers marks I found out, that a lot of masters used three letters in the makers mark when the family name is a compound word ( for example Hieronimus Svaerdfeger “HGF” or Ditlev Brasenhauer “DBH”).
But when the thirt letter in the makers mark is an “S”, it stands often for the familar name addendum “-sen” (for example Johan Pedersen “IPS”, Christian Jensen “CIS”).
The third letter of the makers mark on this spoon is not clear but it is very probably a “S”.
As shown this “S” is not necessarily the first letter of the familar name.
So I ask myself if the “CLS” mark could be another mark of Carsten Lauridsen from Copenhagen? He has made identic spoons also without city marks.
Kind regards, Ringo
By researching the danish makers marks I found out, that a lot of masters used three letters in the makers mark when the family name is a compound word ( for example Hieronimus Svaerdfeger “HGF” or Ditlev Brasenhauer “DBH”).
But when the thirt letter in the makers mark is an “S”, it stands often for the familar name addendum “-sen” (for example Johan Pedersen “IPS”, Christian Jensen “CIS”).
The third letter of the makers mark on this spoon is not clear but it is very probably a “S”.
As shown this “S” is not necessarily the first letter of the familar name.
So I ask myself if the “CLS” mark could be another mark of Carsten Lauridsen from Copenhagen? He has made identic spoons also without city marks.
Kind regards, Ringo