Came across this set last summer and have no ideas about it, I just thought it was pretty. There are several different pieces and it seems that it is a 12 piece setting. I was told that it came from the middle east but I don't know. Can anyone please tell me anything about it? There are several pieces that are not in a standard american set and i'd like to know what there functions are. This set is extremely heavy, I weighed them and they weigh over 22 pounds, definitely heavier than my towle set. I tried to get a close up of the only marking and my camera is less than productive but it appears to be 2 squares overlapping one another to make the shape of an 8 pointed star, kinda like the star of david except with squares and not triangles. Inside the center there appears to be a V with a U underneath it. Would love to e-mail pictures, this set is really gorgeous. Thanks in advance, Mellisa
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Unusual Gold colored Flatware w\possible Arabic writing
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