I don't know what this is...help please

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I don't know what this is...help please

Post by rjeeps69 »

My father-in-law brought this back from london after german blitz. As far as I can tell I think it was made in 1901, London. We just don't know what it is. Any Background would be appreciated. Is it silver plate or sterling???

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fruit containter

Post by tmockait »

It looks like a bowl or basket for grapes or other fruit. The holes would allow washed fruit to drain. What are the demensions?

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Post by rjeeps69 »

size = 6.25 X 5. inches. To small for fruit. I was thinking a sugar basket. Can anyone verify the year and other things???
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Post by ckingree »

1901-02 London Plate but I can find that logo in my book; I am not a pro, so I would wait for Waylander to make time to answer you.
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Post by rjeeps69 »

Thanks everyone. As you can tell I'm clueless. When you say plate do you mean it's silver plated?
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Post by ckingree »

Hey guys, I just bought this book by Seymour B. Wyler The Book of Old Silver, pub. 1937 by Crown Pub. in N.Y.
I am just as clueless as the next person, that's why I got the book; after searching for a week and a half I am only half satisfied with the verification of my piece; I have seen pieces on the web with my Marks, but the book only shows the mark CM then it says maker not traced, so apparently in the fires that occured over there in the past, alot of things were lost and not made note of, (like I said, I am ignorant of the matter too, and still seeking more verification)
The lion passant, uncrowned lions head, and the letter f in that style and the shapes that are around those marks all appear under the year 1901-02; the "Goldsmith Company" has been around since 1327 although I am unsure of their locations and didn't read into it much.
Why don't you just type in the name in the search engine and try to find out more about it, I have found that fun; and you may get more answers there.
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Post by Waylander »

Hi all

The makers are the Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company Ltd. The company began trading in 1880 as the Manufacturing Goldsmiths and Slversmiths Ltd and was established by William Gibson and John Langman. They operated from London, and had marks at both London and Sheffield Assay Offices. In 1889 they acquired Mappin Brothers, quickly followed in 1893 with the Goldsmiths Alliance (A B Savory & Sons). Their interest in Mappin Brothers was later sold to Mappin & Webb in 1903. The Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Ltd., took over Garrard & Co. in 1952, and was later taken over itself in 1959 by Mappin & Webb.

1901 London is the date and town of assay. It is also Sterling Silver.


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Post by catman »

Just as a clarification, the word plate in Great Britain refers to solid silver. In the USA, the word plate refers to silver plated. Using the word plated when referring to silver plated silver may help eliminate some of the confusion.
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