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Alfred Clark, former manager of the Chicago office of the Oneida Community, Ltd., was here last week, stopping over a few days on his way to make the first delivery of silverware to the Union Pacific Railroad supply department.
Injunction Against Receiver of Oneida Silverware Mfg. Co. Dissolved
Oneida, N. Y., May 1.—Supreme Court Justice Scripture has vacated the temporary injunction obtained recently by Sidney W. Moore, of Oneida, against Charles A. Stringer, of Munnsville, as the receiver of the Oneida Silverware Mfg. Co. The injunction restrained the sale of the company’s property at the factory in Wilson St., this city, and ordered that cause be shown why the order of sale should not be modified so as to provide that the sale should not be for an amount less than enough to pay all of the company’s liabilities.
Justice George F. Lyon, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court for the Sixth district, granted the order of sale upon the application of a majority of the directors of the company. The injunction order was obtained from Justice Scripture of the Fifth district, and in Special term at Rome, April 27, the point was raised that the Fifth district Justice had no jurisdiction to interfere with the proceedings directed by the Sixth district Justice. Justice Scripture concluded that he had no jurisdiction to grant the relief prayed for and dismissed the injunction.
L. A. Mackown, for seven or eight years manager of the Chicago office of the Oneida Community, Ltd., has severed his connections with the company. M. E. Kinsley, from the Oneida office and formerly assistant sales manager of the hardware department, succeeds Mr. Mackown at this point.
Reed & Barton Bring Suit To Protect Patent on Baby Spoons
Boston, Mass., Feb. 2.—As predicted in these columns, several weeks ago, the corporation of Reed & Barton, silversmiths, of Taunton, Mass., through its president, W. B. H. Dowse, of 95 Milk St., Boston, has instituted suit against the Oneida Community, Ltd., of the State of New York, for alleged infringement of the patents on the so-called “baby spoon” owned by the former.
Mr. Dowse, in speaking of the case today, stated that the suit was brought for the alleged infringement of but one pattern. The president of the Reed & Barton corporation stated that the suit would probably be tried in March, and intimated that some interesting developments might be looked for.
The plated ware trade throughout the country has manifested much interest in this proposed action of Reed & Barton, and the trial will be watched with interest.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 4th February 1903
Throughout the entire country the trade has noticed with interest, during the last few years, the marked increase in the demand for artistic plate at popular prices, and to meet this the Oneida Community, Ltd., has put out its attractive Reliance plate and is advertising this line extensively. Reliance plate has a metal base of 18 per cent. German silver, and carries a full five-ounce plate of pure silver. This makes it practically as heavy as the best of standard A1 brands, yet it is sold to the trade at a much lower price than this grade of plate. An inspection of the latest assortment of the new plate shows excellent workmanship and finish. The designs and patterns have a truly artistic appearance, such as is always expected from a product of the Oneida Community, and the plate is guaranteed to wear 16 years. Reliance plate is marketed in the same manner as “Community silver,” under a restricted price agreement, and, therefore, no cut-throat competition need be feared. This new, popular-priced plate allows the retailer to compete with the department stores and similar stores for a very profitable class of business—that is, plated ware for outfitting country homes and for like purposes. The Oneida Community, Ltd., announces that the concern’s extensive magazine advertising will be pushed as never before, and that it will make Reliance plate as well as “Community Silver” known to every woman throughout the country.
The chain department of the Oneida Community, Ltd., of Oneida, N. Y., has been sold to a new company formed to take it over. This new company is called the American Chain Co., and Lawrence Brown is the factory manager of the works. The manufacture of all kinds of chain is carried on and a small electroplating plant is operated. The manufacture of chain for the Weed Chain Tire Grip Co., is carried on at the plant.
Source: The Brass World and Platers' Guide - July 1912
W. E. Scanlan, traveler from the Chicago office of the Oneida Community, Ltd., is making a visit to the Niagara Falls factory. G. H. Millar, of the same office, is making a northwest trip.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 17th November 1909
William P. Field, of 763 Broad street, has drawn plans for the new factory for the Oneida Community at Sherrill, N. Y., for the manufacture of silver plated ware. The entire third floor will be used for plating and finishing.
William A. Rogers, Inc., have conditionally leased the factory formerly occupied by the Oneida Silverware Mfg. Co., Oneida, N. Y., whose property was recently sold to that corporation.