Crest with Greek Motto on Scottish Spoons

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Crest with Greek Motto on Scottish Spoons

Post by bstaunto »

Hi team,

I picked these spoons up the other day, mainly for the crest. The spoons are Scottish, made in Edinburgh in 1820s or so. The motto is in classical Greek. I think it means Good Tamer of Horses? But my Greek is a little rusty. The crest is a man waving his hat on a horse.

Does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone seen a crest with a Greek motto?

Thanks in advance,



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Re: Crest with Greek Motto on Scottish Spoons

Post by AG2012 »

The translation is correct.
καλον ιπποδαμον means good tamer of horses.

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Re: Crest with Greek Motto on Scottish Spoons

Post by Traintime »

Letter ("G") hidden in hat, or just an illusion?
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Re: Crest with Greek Motto on Scottish Spoons

Post by Aguest »

I believe it is just the center of a "tri-cornered hat" into which the man on the horse would insert his head in order to wear the hat :::

"By the end of the 17th century, the tricorne was popular in both civilian fashion and in military uniforms. They remained one of the predominant European styles of hat throughout the 18th century. In the United States, only the first five Presidents, from George Washington to James Monroe, wore this style of hat according to the fashion of the 18th century. James Monroe earned the nickname "The Last Cocked Hat"[8] because of this."

It would be interesting if it were a greek letter, or a Masonic letter (within the triangle symbol), but at this point I do not think I see a letter there :::
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